Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lend Your Voice to the village

All right. This is my 101st post on your village. Since I began my foray into the blogosphere back in March of 2005, I have satisfied my need to rant, inform and analyze current events in the global village. Sometimes, it was with subtle wit and intelligent sources. On other occasions, I was too judgmental. I was sometimes driving the news and other times distinctly behind the curve.

All in all, I've immensely loved it. But your village hasn't become what I wanted it to be: a blog from and about the world. Since I live in the US and the other contributors(leftyjones, hope for one) do as well, this blog both skews toward US issues and sometimes entirely ignores other concerns. I also have my front-burner issues and focus on them too much or too little if I believe there is something more newsworthy.

Your Village VoiceTo conclude, we need more voices. Especially those of you who live outside of the US. I need more diverse opinions, especially more libertarians, anarchists, traditional conservatives and intelligent liberals. I need your village to become your village. What we need are more individuals willing to cross political lines and speak from their own soapbox.

If you're interested, comment on this post. Include your email address and a link to some of your work, whether you have a personal blog of interest or contribute to another online source. I do want to review all entries, but it is just for quality not content. Diehard Democrats or Republicans being the exception. I have little tolerance for those who walk a party line just because it is their party.

Go ahead. Lend your voice to the village...


At 12:46 PM EST, Blogger Mr K said...

I occasionally write political rants on my own blog, although its mainly just random stuff. is the most recent one. I am happy to talk a little more about UK politics, if you'd like.


At 5:58 PM EST, Blogger Mr K said...

Heh, yes, email address. You can contact me at


At 8:23 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This looks interesting.
I'm at:
and you can have a look at: this
and: this.


At 10:19 AM EST, Blogger the prisoner said...

Check your email, pinkville and mr. k. You've been invited to contribute.

I look forward to reading and commenting on your posts. Welcome.


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